Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Blog #6: EOTO 1


 An EOTO assignment means Each One Teach One. Every person has a certain type of technology and they all had a chance to present what their research led them to discover to the class. This not only strengthens research skills but it broadens everyone’s knowledge on technology while also giving the class an opportunity to strengthen public speaking skills.


I am researching paper. It may be a surprise to many people that this is a technology, but before computers, and all this artificial intelligence stuff, technology began with a different meaning. Technology is not just machinery and equipment, but it is the study of techniques, tools, and machines that are created by humans.


Now that we understand what technology is, paper is a tool that originally was manufactured to strengthen communication. This tool helped people write down their thoughts and anything people have said to them to remember it and avoid playing a game of telephone where words get twisted and lost.

The very first documented account of the invention of paper was when Cai Lun created paper out of materials such as bark, hemp and rags of water which was mashed together pressed and hung to dry. This was in Lei-Yang China during the Eastern Han Era (25-220 CE).

What paper replaced

Paper is not a resource that has always been around, it is man-made and it was not the first tool that has been used for writing. Prior to the invention of paper, items such as wooden strips bamboo and silk were used. These items were not practical in the sense that they were expensive and not a good surface to write on.

Why Paper

Back then the materials paper was made out of were much easier to find and much cheaper to obtain than items such as silk. Today paper is mostly made out of fibers from wood and recycled paper products. 

It greatly improved the spread of literature and literacy along with making other items such as books more convenient and cheaper. As brush, ink and paper all combined it became an important hallmark in art. The creation of panting and calligraphy grew from paper becoming a new tool of technology.

Paper has evolved to have many uses. Other than writing and art, paper was needed when press was invented which created an unchallenged type of communication that would not be beat out until the computer was invented. During the tang dynasty in china (618-907 CE) paper was valued so much that it was used to pay tribute and taxes to the state. The color of paper was also important which created a code; white is for legal documents, yellow for government purposes, blue is for communications with Taoist temples. Paper was also used for map making, packaging for delicate items, hat-making, armor, screens, curtains, clothes and money.

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