Thursday, April 29, 2021

Final Blog Post: Me Online

Relationships with Technology

My relationship with technology is fairly poor and unhealthy, usually there are times when I struggle to remove myself from the internet or apps such as Tik Tok when I either have to go to class, or do homework. Having my cell phone on me at all times is also necessary, and when I am anxious, I tend to pick up my phone a lot and check it which can come off as rude. If I was forced to go a day without technology, I would have a hard time since I grew up with technology always at the tips of my fingers. 


Technology such as websites allow for me to look up information that is on my study guides for classes when I am struggling to find the correct information in my notes or in the text book. So, in the sense of looking things up for educational purposes, I am learning and becoming smarter, but when I am looking into information on political issues, I can forget about using these search engines. Most of these sources are filtered so you are only able to see what the gatekeepers want you to see and not the full story. There is a lot of disinformation spread on the internet so it is hard to figure out information on topics that are not core subjects.

I do worry about how technology is affecting me in my daily life and if the information I am getting from the internet is reliable. I don’t spend all of my time invested in this though because If I did, then I would never use technology and become a laggard and not adapt to technology when it can be beneficial to me in many ways. I tend to do extra research on my internet findings because I want to try to make sure I get the most correct information rather than believing what one internet user said.

Looking into people such as friends and family, I think they all have a similar relationship as me. We could be at the dinner table and it is difficult to get through a dinner without someone, if not everyone picking up their phone.  Technology is positive for them especially during the Coronavirus Pandemic because we are able to communicate without seeing each other to promote quarantine and social distancing practices. Not only for communication but also for online work. My parents both would have lost their jobs during the Coronavirus Pandemic if there was no technology because they had to transfer their jobs online due to public order to stay at home. Technology can be negative because they have a hard time splitting home life from work life and also takes away communications in person since it can all be done online.

Online Footprint

When looking into my online footprint most of the information that can be found on me is my social media. This includes my Instagram or twitter account that I no longer use. If I were to apply to a job today, an employer that went to go through all my socials would see either my Instagram or Tik Tok. Neither of these accounts have bad information. My Instagram has some photos of me going out and enjoying my vacations or girl’s time.

I googled myself and most of the information that comes up is an author who has the same name as me. The only thing that pops up that is me is my Linkedin account. This only presents a professional picture of me since none of my social media comes up. My online presence is small because someone that is more important than me over shadows my presence. In this case there is nothing that I need to edit out of my online presence to make it more professional.

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Final Blog Post: Me Online

Relationships with Technology My relationship with technology is fairly poor and unhealthy, usually there are times when I struggle to remov...