Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Blog #10: EOTO #2


Tapping back into the EOTO’s for our class, I was choosing to do Net neutrality. This is a concept that I remember being brought up when I was about 7, so 12 years ago I remember me and my brother having a conversation on how this will affect our internet usage. At that time, I was confused on what this concept was, and until today I actually discovered the real definition, net neutrality in its most simplified terms is defined as the basic principle that prohibits internet service providers from speeding up, slowing down or blocking any content, applications or websites you want to use. Net neutrality is a subject that brings up many issues.


The biggest issue at hand is that net neutrality is how the internet has always worked, if it was snot existent then companies have the right to do whatever they want taking advantage of the average person, and violating our online rights.

Another issue is of how Net neutrality affects people of color, and how it become an issue of race. As of right now, the internet allows people of color and other vulnerable communities to bypass traditional media gatekeepers. This means that someone who is controlling the access of what can be seen through a process of filtration is unable to filter out messages that pertain to issues of race. Without Net Neutrality, internet service providers could block speech and prevent dissident voices from speaking freely online causing people of color to lose a vital platform.

- Eliminates fake news:
  • The concept of Net Neutrality allows Internet Service Providers to filter out the disinformation that is spreading on the internet which will allow for a safer environment that is patrolled.
- No rise in prices:
  • Any Internet Service Provider cannot charge extra because there is certain services or higher speeds associated with a service.
  • This means that all content is created equal with no discrimination to cause a platform to not run at its best so that it creates more revenue.
- Criminal activities are monitored:
  • Anything that relates to criminal activity that is posted on the internet is illegal.
    • This includes:
      • Buying and selling of drugs
      • Posting illegal acts on the internet
      • Soliciting sex on the internet
  • With Net neutrality, it is increasingly difficult to find this stuff because it regulates this information to hide it off these platforms.
- Questionable content shows up more:
  • Since the internet is not regulated by government, more information that is unwanted can show up on your screen.
    • Often these messages include information that can be considered:
      • Offensive content
      • Discriminatory content
      • Racist content
      • Obscene content
    • Internet Service Providers can still regulate their own platforms, but if it is a monetary issue, providers will buy their way in. 
- Unwanted data mining
  •  Data mining is a term which means that techniques are used to discover patterns of internet usage.
    • This can seem like an invasion of privacy because every move you make on the internet is being tracked to produce more information that applies to you.

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