Thursday, April 1, 2021

Blog #3: 8 Values of Expression

 Values of Expression

This quote relates to my favorite value of expression: Individual Self-Fulfillment, or Self-actualization.

The First Amendment from the U.S. Constitution gives American’s the freedom of expression. This means that individuals have the freedom to express themselves to find themselves. Expression gives you the right to hold opinions and express them freely without interference of others. This allows for the creation of identity, and it becomes involved with the ideas of human dignity, human agency and autonomy.

So, what does this mean? Let’s start with definitions and their philosophies:


The creation of identity means that through different life experiences, relationships and connections each individual has a different perception or outlook on life which constructs their own representation of thoughts or emotions in an expressive way.  Individual identity is important in society because it helps with making decisions and know how to behave in the ways that one perceives as right because of their wisdom from the past. 


Human Dignity is the recognition that all human beings possess a special value intrinsic to their humanity and are worthy of respect because they are humans. An intrinsic value defined in social ethics means that people are doing the right thing for their own sake and not for the avoidance of a consequence.  Every person believes that they should be treated ethically because of their inherent and inalienable rights. This is an idea that is most often emphasized in the theory of Libertarianism. 

Libertarians such as John Locke and Robert Nozick focus on the idea that they should seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom emphasizing free association, freedom of choice, individualism which connects with human dignity and voluntary association.


Human Agency is the capacity for humans to make choices and to impose those choices to the world. There’s a moral component to every situation, and human agency is invested in these moral components. If a situation is a consequence of one’s decision, one may have to apply judgments of value to the consequences and realize that they have to be responsible for the decision made. 


Autonomy is defined as the quality or state of being self-governed, this means that the government does not get a say allowing for self-directing freedom and moral independence. Personal autonomy is a similar concept; however, it relates to the idea that once has the capacity to decide for oneself and pursue a course of action in one’s life. Emmanuel Kant’s moral philosophy of autonomy emerges from the Enlightenment. Kant focuses on the idea that individuals should have the power to use their own reason and understanding to make decisions without the guidance of others. 

There are eight different values of free expression, and each of these values are respected and equally important. Without the First Amendment, these values would not exist. There are places within the world where there is no freedom to express yourself. These small aspects that we use every day such as the freedom of expression are often taken for granted, and many people don’t realize when they exhibit the right with every decision that they make. 

The freedom of expression is powerful especially when you have to figure out who you are as a person. Personally, if I was not able to express myself some of my relationships, friendships and situations that have shaped me as a person may not have occurred and I would be different in many different ways. I have gained wisdom from my experience in the world, and if I had to give this value up, I would be devastated because I would not be able to learn as much as I have.

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